Britain's best loved Rabbit magazine

Fur and Feather February 2023




Cover Bradford Winners
2 Bradford Best of Breed Winners
3 Bradford Section Winners Adult & Juniors
4-5 Supreme Article
5 Himalayan Rex Rabbit Club Paul Fry
6 UKDRC Report Gary Booth
7 The Science Behind The Rabbit With Five Rings by W J Paley Book Review
8 The Alternative Review Of 2022 Peter Smith
8 EE 18th Rabbit Judging Seminar
10 BRC Office Report Jackie Dennis
10 BRC Advert
11 BRC Diploma Winners
12 2* South Wales Rabbit Club Donna Nicholson
13 Hereford Fur Fanciers 2* Winners pictures
14 National Polish Rabbit Club ASS Winners photos
15 Show Reports Section One Dec 3 – 4 2022
20 East Anglian Dutch Rabbit Club 2* Winners
20 Simon Beynon Show Photographs Advert
21 Show Reports Section Two Dec 10-11 2022
24 Mark Deal’s Dingbats Quiz
25 Show Reports Section Three Dec 17-27 2023
27 Medway Town 130th Anniversary Show
28 News from the Clubs
29 Recent Deaths
30 Ballot Results
30 Jim Blanchard’s Monthly Quiz
31 Show Diary
32 Bradford Souvenir Catalogue Advert
33 Show Adverts
36 Junior Club Helaina Cressy
36 Chaser Show Update
37 Show Supplies Advert
38 Islander Update Leah Peck
39 Classified Advert
40 Supreme Advert