Britain's best loved Rabbit magazine


Introduced into the UK 1972.
The Alaska existed in France in the 1920s but weighed only 2kg. A similar breed – called the Nubian – was being bred in the UK around the same time but became extinct in the 1930s. The present Alaska rabbit was introduced from Belgium in 1972 and is one of our most successful fur varieties.

Colour Weight Club
Intensely black with deep slate blue undercolour Ideal weight 3-2 and 4kg Alaska Rabbit Club

Argente Bleu

Introduced into the UK from 1919
The six Argente varieties can be traced back to France in the early 17th century and became very popular in the UK from 1919.
The Argente Bleu arrived in the early 1920s from the Continent.
It became extinct but was recreated by H D H Dowle during 1939-41.

Colour Weight Club
Undercolour lavender blue, body colour bluish white interspersed with longer dark blue hairs Desired weight 2.72kg Argente Rabbit Club

Argente Brun

Argentes were introduced into the UK from 1919
The Argente has six Argente varieties. It can be traced back to France in the early 17th century and became very popular in the UK from 1919.

Colour Weight Club
Undercolour deep brown, body colour brownish-white, the whole interspersed with longer dark brown hairs Desired weight 2.72kg National Argente Rabbit Club

Argente Champagne

Introduced into the UK from 1919. The Argente Champagne is the oldest and largest of the six Argente varieties. It can be traced back to France in the early 17th century and became very popular in the UK from 1919.

Colour Weight Club
Bluish white interspersed with longer jet black guard hairs Desired weight 3.62 kg National Argente Rabbit Club

Argente Crème

Introduced into the UK from 1919, the Argente Crème is the smallest of the group with its delightful orange/cream colourings.

Colour Weight Club
Undercolour orange, body colour creamy white interspersed with longer orange hairs Desired weight 2.26 kg National Argente Rabbit Club

Argente Noir

The Noir with a slate blue/greyish coat resembling old silver. It was introduced to the UK in early 2003 by the then secretary of the national club who brought it back from the Den Bosche show.

Colour Weight Club
Undercolour deep slate blue, body colour greyish white interspersed with longer black hairs Desired weight 2.72kg National Argente Rabbit Club

Argente St Hubert

The St Hubert is the most recent colour to be standardised in the UK, which occurred around 2008. Very dense, glossy and silky coat, lying close to the body.


Introduced into the UK late 1920s
Created in England during the late 1920’s specifically for its pelt properties this attractive colour soon lost favour but remains on the Continent where it was registered in Holland in 1940 and renamed Isabella.

Colour Weight Club
Dark chamois or light sandy colour down to the skin, faintly ticked with blue Desired weight 2.26-2.948kg Rare Varieties Rabbit Club


Introduced into the UK 1915
The Blue Beveren originated in Belgium in the 1890s and was one of the first of the major fur breeds, becoming the mainstay of the early fur industry. The first Beveren to be shown in this country was in Norwich but at first they found little favour with the judges. Founded in 1818 the Beveren Club is the UK’s oldest fur club.

Colour Weight Club
Blue, to be followed by white, black, brown and lilac. Desired weight not below 3.62kg The Beveren Club