Britain's best loved Rabbit magazine

Castor Rex

The first rex rabbits were created in 1919 from a litter of cross-bred Belgian Hares. The breeder was a French Abbe, M. Gillet whose short and silky haired brown rabbits eventually became recognised as Castor Rex – Castor from the Latin for Beaver or brown, and Rex - Latin for King. In 1924 five of Gillet’s Castor Rex were exhibited at the Paris Show and two years later Lady Layland-Barratt imported them into Britain where breeders were soon producing a variety of colours by crossing Castors with fur and fancy colours and patterns.  Sixty five years later an American fancier Mona Berryhill of Texas produced a miniature version which took the rabbit world by storm. Intended to be a standard rex rabbit in every way possible except in size, the Mini is popular as both an exhibition or pet. Both categories have achieved many successes at the leading shows. The fur to be short, firm and plush like with a well proportioned graceful body and a bold, broad head. Fur to be approximately 1.27cm in length, free from any projecting guard hairs.

Colour Weight Club
Dark rich chestnut brown with a rich orange intermediate colour clearly defined on a dark slate blue base colour, banding to be half and half. Fur to be lightly tipped with black, belly and underside of tail white with dark slate blue undercolour. Standard Rex (adult 2.72-3.62kg) - Mini Rex (adult 1.700-2.041kg) UK Rex Rabbit and British Mini Rex


Described as a rough coated rex, the Astrex has a tightly waved coat. The standard is still recognised by the British Rabbit Council but the rabbit is believed to be exinct.The fur to be short, firm and plush like with a well proportioned graceful body and a bold, broad head. Fur to be approximately 1.27cm in length, free from any projecting guard hairs.


Colour Weight Club
Any recognised rex colour Standard Rex (adult 2.72-3.62kg) - Mini Rex (adult 1.700-2.041kg) UK Rex Rabbit

Black Rex

Originally named Black Alaska, Black Rex are consistent winners on the show circuit and regularly top the charts as the most successful rex breed. The fur to be short, firm and plush like with a well proportioned graceful body and a bold, broad head. Fur to be approximately 1.27cm in length, free from any projecting guard hairs.

Colour Weight Club
Colour Lustrous blue-black the dark blue undercolour being carried down to the skin. Coat is exquisitely textured and feels like plush. Standard Rex (adult 2.72-3.62kg) - Mini Rex (adult 1.700-2.041kg) National Black Rex Club

Blue Rex

The fur to be short, firm and plush like with a well proportioned graceful body and a bold, broad head. Fur to be approximately 1.27cm in length, free from any projecting guard hairs.

Colour Weight Club
Clear, bright, medium shade of blue (not lavender) throughout Standard Rex (adult 2.72-3.62kg) - Mini Rex (adult 1.700-2.041kg) National Blue Rex


The fur to be short, firm and plush like with a well proportioned graceful body and a bold, broad head. Fur to be approximately 1.27cm in length, free from any projecting guard hairs.

Colour Weight Club
Fur to be lightly tipped with black and white giving a sparkling chinchillated effect. Intermediate colour to be near white clearly defined on a dark slate blue undercolour with a minimum of one-third and a maximum of one half near white. Chest to match flanks. Head, outside ears and upperside of tail to be chinchillated grey. Ears laced black, eye circles, inside ears and underside of jowl pearl grey. Belly and underside of tail white Standard Rex (adult 2.72-3.62kg) - Mini Rex (adult 1.700-2.041kg) National Chinrex Club


The fur to be short, firm and plush like with a well proportioned graceful body and a bold, broad head. Fur to be approximately 1.27cm in length, free from any projecting guard hairs.

Colour Weight Club
Bright golden tan, intermediate colour light orange clearly defined on a blue undercolour, fur lightly tipped with brown, chest to match flanks, head, and outside ears, upperside of tail to match body colour. Ears laced brown. Belly and underside of tail white with blue-grey undercolour Standard Rex (adult 2.72-3.62kg) - Mini Rex (adult 1.700-2.041kg) United Kingdom Rex Rabbit

Dalmatian Rex

The fur to be short, firm and plush like with a well proportioned graceful body and a bold, broad head. Fur to be approximately 1.27cm in length, free from any projecting guard hairs.

Colour Weight Club
White all over with numerous little coloured patches covering the body, head and ears. Bi-colour: White body with pattern of one colour only. Tri-colour: White body with pattern of two colours (i.e. black patches and brown patches). Patches can only be in black, blue, brown, orange or fawn Standard Rex (adult 2.72-3.62kg) - Mini Rex (adult 1.700-2.041kg) National Dalmatian Rex Rabbit Club

Ermine Rex

The fur to be short, firm and plush like with a well proportioned graceful body and a bold, broad head. Fur to be approximately 1.27cm in length, free from any projecting guard hairs.

Colour Weight Club
As pure a white as possible, creamy or yellow tinge is considered a fault Standard Rex (adult 2.72-3.62kg) - Mini Rex (adult 1.700-2.041kg) National Ermine Rex Rabbit Club

Fawn Rex

The fur to be short, firm and plush like with a well proportioned graceful body and a bold, broad head. Fur to be approximately 1.27cm in length, free from any projecting guard hairs.

Colour Weight Club
Bright golden fawn without any trace of creaminess, carried well down the flanks, shading to white belly. Colour to extend well down with white undercolour. Eye circle, inside of ears, jowl and underside of tail white. Chest to match flanks, head, outside of ears and forepaws to match saddle Standard Rex (adult 2.72-3.62kg) - Mini Rex (adult 1.700-2.041kg) National Orange & Fawn Rex Rabbit