Britain's best loved Rabbit magazine

Angora (English)

Introduced into the UK late 18th century
There is a story that the first of these woolled rabbits were seen in Angora, Turkey and brought back to France; this country was the first to manufacture Angora wool into yarn. Requires dedicated grooming/housing so seek advice from its excellent Facebook site. Facebook: National Angora Rabbit Club (UK)

Colour Weight Club
Range of colours Ideal 3.402 kgs National Angora Rabbit Club Facebook: National Angora Rabbit Club (UK)

Belgian Hare

Introduced into the UK 1874
Described as the race horse of the Fancy, the elegant Belgian Hare arrived here from Flanders and became an overnight success on the show bench. The black and tan Hare was standardised in 2009.

Colour Weight Club
Rich deep chestnut red Ideal weight 3.62 - 4.08 kgs British Belgian Hare Club


First illustrated in Renaissance art, white spotted rabbits were indigenous to the Low Countries and exported to the nearby London markets. Here, early Victorian fanciers selected suitable stock to create and establish the Dutch as a distinct breed. The Dutch Rabbit Club, founded 30th December 1884, later changed its name to the United Kingdom Dutch Rabbit Club. Dutch were the most popular breed until the 1960s when other breeds were introduced from Europe.

Colour Weight Club
Black, Blue, Chocolate, Tortoiseshell, Pale Grey, Brown Grey, Steel Grey and Yellow. Ideal weight 2.041-2.26 kgs. UK Dutch Rabbit Club website

Dutch Tri-colour

Introduced into the UK Late 1960s
First created in the Netherlands by crossing the tortoiseshell Dutch and the Harlequin rabbit, the Dutch pattern in tri-colour markings presents an even greater challenge to the enthusiast.

Colour Weight Club
Black, orange and white. Also blue and/or chocolate markings instead of black. Ideal weight 1.70-2.5 kg. Rare Varieties Rabbit Club


Introduced into the UK 1836
This British breed was developed in the middle of the 19th century and was extremely popular between 1850 – 1860, then it almost disappeared, to reappear twenty years later becoming one of our most popular fancy breeds. A national club was founded in 1891.

Colour Weight Club
Black, blue, tortoiseshell, chocolate, grey Ideal weight 2.721-3.628kg. National English Rabbit Club

Flemish Giant

Introduced into the UK Early 1870s
Originally discovered in Belgium as a sandy coloured giant rabbit, the Flemish Giant enjoyed its first win in 1886 at the Crystal Palace. The present steel-grey Flemish was created by Christopher Wren of Hampton Wick  during the period before the 1914-18 war had won many major awards.

Colour Weight Club
dark steel Doe - not less than 5.44kg National Flemish Giant Rabbit Club

Giant Papillon

Introduced into the UK 1994
Popular on the continent, the Giant Papillon is a robust animal with attractive markings.

Colour Weight Club
Base colour white, all recognised colours are permissible Ideal weight is more than 6kg Rare Varieties Rabbit Club

Harlequin, Magpie

Introduced into the UK 1895
Originally known as the Japanese, the chequered marked Harlequin originated in France during the 1880s.

Colour Weight Club
Black, blue, brown, lilac in both Harlequin and Magpie patterns Ideal weight 2.72-3.62kg Harlequin Rabbit Club


Introduced into the UK 1800s
The Himalayan is one of the oldest fancy breeds but its origins are unclear. It was first shown in Nottingham in 1858 where it was entered as a “Chinese”. Extremely placid.

Colour Weight Club
Black, blue, chocolate, lilac Ideal weight 2.041kg National Himalayan Rabbit Club