Britain's best loved Rabbit magazine

British Giant

Introduced into the UK Early 1960s
In the late 1940s breeders brought in other colours of Flemish Giants from America and set up a national breed club to cater for a British variety. The first British Giant rabbits were created by Richard Kirk and exhibited at Alexandra Palace in the early 1960s. Later several colours were recognised but this gentle giant soon lost favour with exhibitors and its national breed club was disbanded in 2014.

Colour Weight Club
White, black, dark steel grey, blue, brown grey, opal Bucks 5.670 kg Rare Varieties Rabbit Club


Introduced into the UK late 1980s
Created in Holland just before the 1939-45 war from a mix of Belgian Hare, Chinchilla and New Zealand Reds and first standardised there in 1940. A friendly, lively rabbit with an eyecatching coat colour.

Colour Weight Club
Top colour a warm red brown with strong ticking. 3 - 3.4 kg The Rare Varieties Rabbit Club

Dutch Tri-colour

Introduced into the UK Late 1960s
First created in the Netherlands by crossing the tortoiseshell Dutch and the Harlequin rabbit, the Dutch pattern in tri-colour markings presents an even greater challenge to the enthusiast.

Colour Weight Club
Black, orange and white. Also blue and/or chocolate markings instead of black. Ideal weight 1.70-2.5 kg. Rare Varieties Rabbit Club

Giant Papillon

Introduced into the UK 1994
Popular on the continent, the Giant Papillon is a robust animal with attractive markings.

Colour Weight Club
Base colour white, all recognised colours are permissible Ideal weight is more than 6kg Rare Varieties Rabbit Club


Introduced into the UK 1984
Created in 1977 in the Netherlands by cross-breeding blue eyed dwarf types with small Vienna whites, recognised in 1984.
A compact shape with medium length coat.

Colour Weight Club
Pure white with pale blue eyes. Ideal 5.5 - 5.15 kg Rare Varieties Rabbit Club

Marburger Fey

Continental breed, standardised in the UK in 2018.

Very densely furred with a slightly stocky body showing short, strong legs.

Very densely furred.

Meissner Lop

Introduced into the UK in the early 1930s.
Created in Meissen, Germany during the late 1920s to early 1930s by crossing continental Lops with silvered breeds. Noted for its placid nature.

Colour Weight Club
All self colours and yellow Ideal weight 4-5kg. Rare Varieties Rabbit Club. Facebook: Rare Varieties Rabbit Club

Miniature Papillon

Short and cobby with short, dense fur, head markings to show a butterfly, eye circles, cheek spots and colour ears.

Pointed Beveren

Introduced into the UK 1920s
Originated in England in the nineteen twenties and standardised in 1928 but became extinct in the 1930s.
The breed was recreated in the early 1970s by Derek Medlock and Harry Nicholson but remains one of our rarer breeds.

Colour Weight Club
Black, dark blue undercolour evenly ticked all over body and head with white tipped hairs. Also recognised in Blue, Brown, Lilac 3.17 kgs upwards Rare Varieties Rabbit Club