Britain's best loved Rabbit magazine


Introduced into the UK 1995
Bearded rabbits can be traced back to 1960 when a fancier who lived in Belgium exhibited a rabbit he described as "The Bearded Rabbit of Ghent".

Colour Weight Club
Any colour that conforms to a recognised colour and pattern Ideal weight 1.36-1.70kg. National Lionhead Rabbit Club

Netherland Dwarf

Introduced into the UK 1950
Developed in Holland from the Polish rabbit imported from England in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, breeding was halted during the 1939-45 war when Germany occupied Holland and it was not until 1950 that the breed was introduced into the UK. It has become one of our most popular and successful fancy breeds.

Colour Weight Club
Most colours and patterns Ideal weight 0.907kg National Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Club


Introduced in the UK 1860s
A neat, compact, sprightly rabbit, its origins are unknown. The first Polish to be exhibited in this country was at a show in Hull in 1884 which attracted seventeen. Coloured Polish joined the whites in the 1950s but it is the Red Eye that heads the tables in the best in show charts.
Weight Ideal maximum weight 1.134kg.
Club National Polish Rabbit Club Facebook nationalpolishrabbit club web

Colour Weight Club
Available in 7 self and shaded, 7 agouti, 5 tan pattern Ideal maximum weight 1.134kg National Polish Rabbit Club Facebook nationalpolishrabbit club


Introduced into the UK 1965.
Of German origin. A tri-coloured breed, it was created by a cross between rabbits with English and Harlequin patterns. Rhinelander's were first shown in Germany in 1902.

Colour Weight Club
Base white, marking colours black and yellow. Brown eyes Ideal weight 3.25kg Rare Varieties Rabbit Club


Introduced into the UK 1592
In 1631 the writer Gervaise Markham described a rabbit in England with “blacke and white haire together”. It is believed to be the first account of the Silver rabbit. It is also suggested that they were brought to England in 1592 by Sir Walter Raleigh. The national club was founded in 1889.

Colour Weight Club
Silver Grey, Silver Fawn, Silver Brown, Silver Blue Ideal weight 2.267-2.72kg National Silver Rabbit Club


Introduced into the UK 1887
The first Tan appeared in a warren in Derbyshire and were shown for the first time in 1888. With their jet black colour and pale yellow bellies the breed quickly caught on and is a firm show favourite.

Colour Weight Club
Black and Tan, Blue and Tan, Chocolate and Tan, Lilac and Tan Ideal weight 2.041kg National Tan Rabbit Club

Tan Hare

Introduced into the UK 1874
Described as the race horse of the Fancy, the elegant Belgian Hare arrived here from Flanders and became an overnight success on the show bench. The black and tan Hare was standardised in 2009.

Colour Weight Club
No other colour but black and tan. Ideal weight 3.62 - 4.08 kgs. British Belgian Hare Club


Introduced into the UK Early 1980s
Developed in the Netherlands by crossing fawn rabbits with Tans, the Thrianta was recognised on May 1 1940 just days before war was declared in that country. A breed that has enjoyed much success at the UK shows, leaving the Rare Varieties Rabbit Club to form its own national club in 2011.

Colour Weight Club
Orange/red with brown eyes Ideal weight 2kg – 2.75g Thrianta UK