Britain's best loved Rabbit magazine

Fauve de Bourgeoyne

Introduced into the UK 2008
Created in France where it is referred to as the Deer of Burgundy or Burgundy Yellow.

Colour Weight Club
Fawn Ideal weight 3.5 to 5kg. The Rare Varieties Rabbit Club

Golden Glavcot

Introduced into the UK 1927
Created in this country, the original Glavcot was the Silver which although never standardised led to the creation of the Golden which in 1934 was accepted by the BRC. Medium sized, mandolin shaped and fine boned, both colours became extinct. The Golden was recreated by J Irons in the late nineteen sixties, but remains extremely rare.

Colour Weight Club
Broad band of slate merging into brown, tipped with light roan and interspersed with dark brown ticking. 2.26 - 2.72 kg The Rare Varieties Rabbit Club


Introduced into the UK 1908
The Havana was created in Holland in 1898 and had a number of names including Beaver. First shown in England at Crystal Palace in 1910 where its compact size and rich colour was an immediate hit with exhibitors.

Colour Weight Club
Dark chocolate with a purplish sheen, pearl grey undercolour 2.722 kg The National Havana Rabbit Club


Introduced into the UK 1984
Created in 1977 in the Netherlands by cross-breeding blue eyed dwarf types with small Vienna whites, recognised in 1984.
A compact shape with medium length coat.

Colour Weight Club
Pure white with pale blue eyes. Ideal 5.5 - 5.15 kg Rare Varieties Rabbit Club


Introduced into the UK 1910
H Onslow of Cambridge created this attractive and docile fur breed and it was exhibited in London in 1913. The original name given to the breed was ‘Cambridge Blue’, later changed to Lilac.

Colour Weight Club
Pink shade of dove Adults 2.494 to 3.17 kg The National Lilac Rabbit Club

Miniature Satin

A dwarfed version of the Satin was being created in Germany, France and America in the early 1900s; UK visitors to the annual ARBA championship show realised it would be a winner so it was soon imported and adopted by the National Satin Club. Another show success story.

New Zealand

Our first New Zealand breed was a Red which had been developed in the USA as a utility rabbit. The larger New Zealand White was imported into England after the 1939/45 war and soon joined the red as a popular exhibition variety. It was joined by the Black in the 1960s and was followed by the Blue.

Colour Weight Club
Red: Bright golden red or reddish gold. Black: jet black carried well down undercoat. Blue: Even shade of medium blue throughout. White: Bright clean white avoiding yellow coats. Red Adults 3.62 kg. White, Black, Blue Adult bucks 4.08-4.989 kg. The National New Zealand Rabbit Club


Introduced into the UK Late 1890s
Developed in Germany in the early 1900s the small and compact Perlfee is a derivative of the Feh de Marbourg.

Colour Weight Club
Greyish blue, in three shades (light, medium and dark) Ideal weight 2.5 kg Rare Varieties Rabbit Club


Introduced into the UK 1919
There are two varieties – Siamese and Marten in light, medium and dark shades. They first appeared in litters of Chinchillas in 1919 and Liverpool fancier David Irving is credited with having popularised them both here and abroad. A successful show animal.

Colour Weight Club
Siamese Light, Medium and Dark various shades of sepia shading off on flanks, sides and chest to pale sepia. Marten Light, Medium and Dark: similar but well ticked with longer white hairs, white belly, eye circle etc as other marten varieties. Adult weight 2.26-3.17 kg The Sable Rabbit Club